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... 更多文章請關注微信公眾號:英文外刊雙語閱讀 Deniers and Disbelievers:"If I Get Corona, I Get Corona." 否認之輩與不信邪之輩:「我要得了新冠肺炎?那得就得唄。」 A climbing destination on the remote eastern side of the snow-capped Sierra Nevada, Bishop,Calif., was packed last weekend, as crowded as any holiday,despite growing calls for isolation in advance of a predicted wave of coronavirus cases. 積雪覆蓋的內華達山脈位於加州畢曉普市。上周末,儘管新冠疫情預計不日便將爆發,為此有關方面已經加緊呼籲民眾自我隔離,位於山脈相對偏遠的東嶺的一條登山路線依舊熙熙攘攘,熱鬧景象不輸以往任何一個假期。 "People were like, 'Social distancing? I'm going to Bishop. Can't get any more distant than that,'" resident and climber Jeff Deikis said. It turned out the coffee shops and the brewery were jammed. 「大家似乎都覺得,『遠離社交?我就去個畢夏普。再遠(你讓我去)我也不去了,」當地居民、登山愛好者傑夫·戴基斯說道。 事後證明,畢夏普的咖啡館和酒吧早就已經人滿為患了。 Outside of Bishop,a four-hour drive from Los Angeles and six hours from San Francisco, climbers scaled the nearby boulders and canyons, sharing fresh air and,perhaps, infectious disease. 距離洛杉磯四小時車程,舊金山六小時車程的畢夏普市郊,登山愛好者已經登上了附近的巨石,徜徉在附近的峽谷,一起呼吸著新鮮空氣,說不定也一起呼吸著新冠病毒。 "Climbers from around the country have descended upon Bishop as though a global pandemic were some sort of hall pass from responsibility and nobility," a climbing blog reported. 「全國各地的登山者鋪天蓋地地湧入畢夏普, 就好像這次波及全球的大流行是大家免於責任與德行的某種特權通行證一樣,」一篇登山博客報導稱。 Across the United States, from Florida beaches to California mountains, casinos to national parks, legions dismissed the growing demands this past week to isolate themselves and stop congregating as the coronavirus spread through the country and shut down nearly all facets of American life. 過去一周,新冠病毒逐漸在全國各地蔓延,制動了社會生活的方方面面,民眾自我隔離的需求與停止聚集的需求日益迫切,儘管如此,整個美國,從佛羅里達的海灘到加州的山野,從賭場到國家公園,依然到處有人群無視這一形勢。 They were the defiers and the disbelievers. They were those eager to flout authority or those afflicted with cabin fever, if not Covid-19. They were the officials crowded on the podium of the White House briefing room, doing not as they say. They were all people who dismissed the calls for isolation, seeing more reward than risk in gathering. 他們便是那些叛逆之輩與不信邪之徒。他們要麼急於挑戰權威,要麼就患有幽閉癥——如果不是患了新冠肺炎的話。他們便是擠在白宮吹風會的講臺上的那些言行不一的官員。他們均無視了隔離的號召,認為聚集的好處大於風險。 They conflated confidence with immunity. As in other times of national crisis, they exposed the relationship between individuals and society and our responsibility to others."If I get corona, I get corona," a reveler in Florida said in a widely-shared television interview. "At the end of the day, I'm not going to let it stop me from partying." 他們將自信與免疫混為一談。 和在其他國難期間一樣,他們將個體與社會的關係,將我們對他人的責任棄置於不顧。「我要得了新冠肺炎?那得就得唄,」佛羅里達州一名狂歡者在一則被廣泛轉發的電視採訪中說道。「但我終究是不會因為病毒放棄跟朋友找樂子的。」 Under pressure,both social and governmental, their numbers shrink by the day. Their impact on spreading the virus may never be known. 迫於壓力,既有社會壓力也有政府壓力,這群人的數量總算日漸少了起來。他們對疫情造成的影響或許永遠都不得而知了。 The most dismissive were mostly young, freed from the structures of school and work, perhaps new to the concept of social responsibility.But plenty were older, trusting that the dwindling number of places still open to the publiccould be sanitized enough to keep sickness away. 他們中間最突出的大多是些年輕人,剛從學校或工作的桎梏中解放出來,對社會責任這一概念或許還很陌生。但也有為數不少的老年人,他們以為數量已經越來越少,但仍在對外開放的那些場所能夠做足衛生,將疾病擋在門外。 Some did not want to cancel long-set plans for things like weddings.Others just wanted to get to the outdoors, only to find they were far from alone. For others,gathering wasn't a choice. 一些人不願取消婚禮等已經籌謀已久的計劃。還有一些人一心只想去室外,結果卻發現這麼想的遠非只有他們自己。對另外一些人而言,聚會並不是他們自己的決定。 It was are quirement from an employer more afraid of missed revenues than of spreading viruses. While many grocery stores, gas stations and take out restaurants remained open, the definition of "essential business" was open to interpretation. 而是比起病毒擴散,更擔心收入流失的用人單位的硬性要求。儘管許多雜貨店,加油站和外賣店仍在營業,「基本業務」一詞的理解卻有待商榷了。 In Rhode Island,among businesses cited for ignoring social-distance warnings was Wonderland, astrip club, where customers were still receiving lapdances last weekend. 羅德島地區因忽視隔離警告被點名的企業中有一家叫「Wonderland」(「仙境」)的脫衣舞俱樂部, 該俱樂部上周末仍在為顧客提供脫衣舞表演。 GameStop, the video game chain, drew an outcry from its employees as it instructed its thousands of stores to remain open and to counter closure requests by local authorities, because,according to a staff memo, it believed it was 「classified as essential retail.」 電子遊戲連鎖品牌GameStop也引發了員工的強烈抗議, 因該品牌指示其名下的數千家門店繼續營業,無視地方當局的停業要求,一份員工備忘錄顯示,該品牌這麼做的理由是其認為自己「屬於基礎零售業」。 In California,Tesla, the luxury electric carmaker, temporarily defied Bay Area orders to shutdown all nonessential business, keeping its 10,000 factory workers on the job.On Thursday, Teslasaid it would suspend operations, beginning on Monday. 加利福尼亞州高端電動汽車製造商特斯拉 目前也無視了灣區發布的所有非基礎業務全部關閉的命令,堅持讓其僱傭的1萬名工人繼續工作。周四,特斯拉表示公司將於周一開始暫停運營。 And in the Midwest,Uline, a major distributor of packaging materials and industrial supplies, kept its work force going through the week, despite complaints from employees,including those crowded into its call centers, working side-by-side in cubicles.「Nothing’s really changed,」 one employee said. 「It’s just nerve-racking.」 中西部主營包材和工業用品的大型分銷商Uline也不顧員工,包括擠在客服中心那些並排的小格子裡的員工的反對,堅持開工到了周末。 「(和平時)基本沒什麼不同,」一名員工說道。「只是讓人覺得有點心煩。」 Employees received an email Thursday from the owners of the $5.8 billion company and big donors to Republican causes, thanking them for their efforts and saying that the 「White House called upon us twice with huge orders」 this week. 周四,員工收到了尤里恩家族——也即Uline這一市值58億的公司的所有者兼共和黨的大金主——的郵件, 郵件聲稱感謝他們的付出,本周「白宮已經兩度致電,嚴令我司停工」。 The same day, a manager at one Uline call center sent a note to employees.「If you, or family members, are under the weather with cold/allergies — or anything aside from Covid-19,」 it read, 「please do NOT tell your peers about the symptoms & your assumptions. 「 就在當天,Uline客服中心的一名經理也向他們的員工發了一條通知。「如果你,或你的家人,因感冒/過敏——或除新冠肺炎以外的任何疾病——感到不適,」通知上寫道, 請勿將癥狀或你的猜測告知同伴。 ... By doing so, youare causing unnecessary panic in the office.」」But plenty of Americans voluntarily ventured into the germ-stained world to pass time. 以免在辦公室造成不必要的恐慌。然而,也有不少群眾為了消磨時間自願冒險將自己暴露在被細菌污染的公共場所。 While the majorcasinos in Las Vegas and Atlantic City shuttered early in the week, those like Chukchansi Gold in central California promised increased cleanliness, a tricky sell in a world of playing cards and slot machines. 拉斯維加斯和大西洋城的大型賭場都已於本周早些時候停業,加州中部的Chukchansi Gold等賭場卻只是承諾加大清潔力度, 此舉在這個以紙牌和老虎機謀利的世界裡顯得格外刁鑽。 They folded, one by one.Chukchansi announced suddenly on Friday that it would close that night.Valley View Casino,near San Diego, planned to make it until Sunday night, but closed on Friday,too, along with several casinos in Florida.With so many indoor places closed — no malls, no movies — millions tried to escape outdoors, sometimes creating their own crowds. 他們一個接一個地關門了。周五,Chukchansi賭場突然宣布當晚便停業。聖地亞哥附近的Valley View(谷景賭場)本計劃一直營業到周日晚,但也與佛羅里達州的幾家賭場一起在周五關門了。由於太多室內場所關門——沒有了營業的商場,也沒有了上映的電影——無數人試圖逃到室外消遣,有時便會導致人群聚集。 Sidewalks were jammed around the Tidal Basin in Washington,D.C., as people came to see the cherry blossoms.No place highlighted the country’s conflicting moods more than Florida.Footage of crowded beaches spread.Shutting down spring break proved difficult. 由於大量人群前往觀賞櫻花,華盛頓特區潮汐盆地周圍的人行道被圍得水泄不通。任何地方都不如佛羅里達能凸顯美國當下的矛盾情緒。記錄海灘人山人海的影像在民眾中間廣為傳播。事實證明,叫停春假活動很難。 Some students, high on sunshine and beers and obliviousness, relied on their youth as a shield and ignored warnings they could carry the virus back to their parents and grandparents. 一些醉心陽光和啤酒,後知後覺的學生仗著自己年少體健,對他們可能將病毒帶回家傳播給長輩的警告視若無睹。 「It’s like this thing blew up in my face,」 said Parker Simms, a student from the University of Kentucky who came to FortLauderdale last Saturday with 50 friends and big plans. 「就感覺,這個(疫情)讓我的計劃全泡湯了,」肯塔基大學學生帕克·西姆斯說道。上周六,他和50個朋友做好了雄心勃勃的打算後一同來到了(號稱「美國威尼斯」的)勞德代爾堡。 「It blew up during my spring break week.」 」In the debate between economics and epidemiology, local officials generally took the side of money and revelry.Late in the week,though, many joined the shut down trend. (疫情)它偏偏在我春假的時候爆發了。在就經濟PK流行病展開的辯論中,地方官員大多選擇了金錢和狂歡。不過,臨近周末時,不少人還是選擇了加入停工停產的大潮。 By Thursday, the beach in Fort Lauderdale was eerily empty, save for stacked chairs andlifeguard towers.A cluster ofcollege students with roller bags and floppy straw hats walked toward a waiting SUV headed to the airport. 周四,勞德代爾堡的海灘已經空無一人,只剩下堆放的椅子和救生員塔的身影。一群拖著行李箱,帶著寬檐大草帽的大學生正朝著等候他們前往機場的SUV走去。 Not all beach goers were young people. 到海灘度假的也並非全是年輕人。 A retired doctor and self-described 「metal detectorist」 named Larry Leguire, 68, from Columbus, Ohio, had been in Florida since December.On Thursday on Clearwater Beach, he found four rings, two of which he believed were gold, plusa handful of coins, aluminum cans, pull tabs and bottle caps. 68歲的退休醫生拉里·勒圭爾號稱自己是個「金屬探測專家」,來自俄亥俄州哥倫布市的他自去年12月就一直旅居在佛羅里達。周四,他在清水海灘探測到了四枚戒指,在他看來,其中兩枚還是金戒指,此外,他還探測到了一把硬幣,一些鋁罐、拉環和瓶蓋。 Mr. Leguire said heand his wife keep distance from others and wear gloves and masks in grocery stores.He was not happy to learn that the beach was closing Friday night.「The beach is my life, and without the beach, it’s like, why be in Florida?」 he said.「I might as well go back home and sequester myself in my house in Columbus, Ohio.」Formal gatherings like funerals and weddings were canceled or reconsidered. 勒圭爾稱自己和妻子去超市時都會戴口罩,戴手套並同他人保持距離。得知周五晚上海灘將不再開放,他有些不太開心。「海灘就是我的命,去不了海灘,那我來佛羅里達幹嘛?」他說。「還不如回家把自己隔離在俄亥俄州哥倫布市的家裡。」婚禮、葬禮等正式聚會紛紛被取消或重排。 At a backyard wedding near Anaheim, Calif., on Saturday night, a DJ named Amanda B. was sonervous about performing that she did not shake the groom’s hand or let anyone touch her microphone. 周六晚,加利福尼亞州阿納海姆附近的一場後院婚禮上, 名叫阿曼達·B的DJ頗為緊張自己的表演,為此,她沒有和新郎握手,也沒有讓任何人碰她的麥克風。 In Brooklyn,Hasidic Jews defied isolation orders and held weddings; others continued gathering for prayer.In Fort Lauderdale,Fla., a wedding planned for late March was expedited and shrunk. 布魯克林的哈西德派猶太人仍在無視隔離命令,堅持舉辦婚禮;其他人也仍在因為祈禱聚集。在佛羅里達州的勞德代爾堡,原定於3月下旬舉行的一場婚禮已經提前舉行並匆匆了事。 Charlotte Jay and Blake Parker, both 29, called their rabbi, invited a dozen close relatives to Mr. Parker’s parents』 condo, and rushed to get ready.Clorox wipes and hand sanitizer greeted guests on an outdoor terrace. 夏洛特·傑和布萊克·帕克同為29歲,只邀請了他們的拉比, 還有十幾個近親到帕克父母的家,婚禮準備也已從簡。他們還在戶外的露臺上為賓客們準備了高樂氏濕巾和洗手液。 Mr. Parker’s mother played the Beatles』 「All You Need Is Love」 on her cellphone. (All You Need Is Love).The wedding planner live-streamed the ceremony for the original 225 guests. 帕克的母親用手機播放了披頭士樂隊的《你只需要愛》婚禮策劃為最初邀請的225位賓客直播了婚禮現場。 「Mydad and I sanitized our hands, linked arms and walked down the aisle,」 Ms. Jay said.「We didn』t even hug or kiss. My dad elbow bumps Blake. Then he elbow bumps me.」 「我和爸爸的手都消過毒了,我們才挽著胳膊走上紅毯的,」傑伊說。「我們連擁抱和親吻都省了。我爸爸只用胳膊肘碰了碰布萊克,又碰了碰我就算把我託付給他了。」 重點單詞: dwindle ['dwɪndl] v.減少;縮小 descend [dɪˈsend] v.下來; 下去; 下降; 下斜; 下傾 congregate [ˈkɑːŋɡrɪɡeɪt] v.群集; 聚集; 集合 dismiss [dɪsˈmɪs] v.不予考慮; 摒棄; 對…不屑一提; 去除,消除 sanitize [ˈsænɪtaɪz] v.去除…中使人不快的內容; 凈化; (用化學製劑) 消毒,使清潔 更多文章請關注微信公眾號:英文外刊雙語閱讀 ...








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