正文翻譯 原創翻譯:龍騰網 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻譯:碧波蕩漾恆河水 轉載請註明出處 古琴簫阮鼓演奏《權力的遊戲》 ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rXzTJCGuNHo 評論翻譯 原創翻譯:龍騰網 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻譯:碧波蕩漾恆河水 轉載請註明出處 油管 Andi Chiao and in this version the main characters just don''''t care about the throne,they want to spend the rest of their lives on a mountain top watching sun rise keeping a pet bird and being musicians 這個版本的權游中,主角們根本不在乎王位,他們想要在山頂上度過餘生,看看日出,養養鳥,做個音樂家。 Devin Samuel Five words: Romance of the Three Kingdoms 五個字:三國の演義。 ... Loreman72 Are you kidding? A Chinese dynasty would ramp up the intrigue to a whole new level! 你在開玩笑吧?中國古代王朝的陰謀詭計完全是另一個水平! Young Tang Have you guys seen the 12 girl band? They used to play in the United States. Perhaps, you guys should do the same. 你們有沒有看過女子12樂坊?她們曾經在美國演出過。或許你們也應該這樣做。 cavc94 Before Qin unified China there were Seven Kingdoms. 在秦朝統一中國之前,那裡有七個王國。 Kirinism Suppose for a moment that the GOT is actually loosely based on the Saxon Heptarchy period between the 6th and 9th century on British isles (Northumbria, Mercia, East Anglia, Essex, Wessex, Sussex, Kent) though true the liveries in the TV series were more HYW or WoR. Not everything must be associated with the ancient China 曾經有人推測說權游實際上發生在6世紀到9世紀的撒克遜七國時期(諾森比亞,麥西亞,東盎格魯,埃塞克斯,威塞克斯,蘇塞克斯,肯特),雖然這部電視劇里的演員確實更像是??,但並不是所有東西都必須與古代中國扯上關係。 Mr. Wen \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\m/ @Kirinism Yes we know the seven kingdoms are based on the seven English kingdoms before Athelstan. But in this video Chinese musicians play the GoT theme song using Chinese instruments. So we make jokes that involve asoiaf lore and Chinese history. You know, jokes? 是的,我們知道電視劇里的七國是以阿瑟斯坦國王之前的七個英吉利王國為藍本的。但是在這個視頻里,中國演奏家用中國樂器演奏了權游主題曲。所以我們開了一些關於中國神話和歷史的玩笑。玩笑,你懂嗎? Vash Stampede And Qin Dynasty built the first Great Wall. 而且秦朝修建了第一堵高牆。 Kirinism Apologies must』ve overlooked the startling humour pervading the banter. Anyhow great music no hard feelings 我道歉,肯定是因為我沒有體會到這個笑話中飽含的幽默。無論如何,演奏的很棒,我沒有惡意。 lfrledh More than seven but seven biggest.And there was a united gov but not really powerful enough. 不止七個王國,而是七個最強大的王國。而且當時還有一個公認的政府,但是不夠強大。 dboyzero awesome! this would be perfect for an east Asian themed remake of the show! 棒極了!如果翻拍亞洲版的權游,這首曲子很適合! ... Losshe That was awesome!! This video deserves millions of views 太棒了!這個視頻應該有數百萬的觀看量。 Alex M A refreshing remake! 令人耳目一新的重製版! C4L3TriX Damn! This is much better than the original version. I love it. 該死的!比原版好多了。我喜歡。 Fiddlekrazy Steve Ganbei!! Fantastic job! Xiexie! 乾杯! 精彩的作品! 謝謝! OmgYouNeed SomeMilk! I think this would be perfect for a scene where someone is running through an endless plain covered in snow and then taking up a big sword just in the exact moment where a pack of giant wolves appears in front running against them 我覺得這首曲子非常適合一個場景:某人跑過一望無際的雪地,然後舉起一把大劍,就在這時一群巨狼出現在他前面,迎面撲去。 Xiaolu Shi Why not a pack of giant pandas rolling? 為什麼不是一群胖達滾過來? OmgYouNeed SomeMilk! @Xiaolu Shi Calm down man the world is not prepared for such power 冷靜一點!這個世界還沒有準備好迎接如此巨大的力量。 Biochem Wang Dude, you can be a very successful video director/editor. 哥們,你可能成為一名非常成功的視頻導演/編輯。 Tahar Ali Pls long version this is actually better than the original 請製作加長版,這個版本實際上比原版更好。 Jérémy Barbay I agree: do record a long version! 我同意:請務必製作加長版! Tahar Ali @Jérémy Barbay tnx bro I will be waiting 謝謝,我會期待的。 花木Joyce I feel like a lot of western movies miss out on such spectacular music for certain scenes and songs from soundtracks. 我覺得很多西部片在某些場景和原聲音樂上都錯過了如此精彩的音樂。 Jason Wynn That was excellent. Double hilarious because I didn''''t read the title before clicking. 很優秀。因為我在點擊之前沒有讀標題,所以滑稽感翻倍了。 Trey Boles We don』t get enough medi fantasy based in Eastern cultures and that’s a shame 我們沒有製作出足夠多的基於東方文化的中世紀幻想劇,這是個恥辱。 Joy W x Trey Boles You are so modest and humble. 你真是太謙虛了。 Reynauld Can we have a Three Kingdoms version of Game of Thrones 我們能拍一部三國版的權游嗎? ... Susan Harkema I don''''t even watch the show but this is COOL! Beautiful. 我甚至沒有看這部劇,但這個演奏太酷了!真美! Diane Lieb So great ! You have done a wonderful remix ^-^ That gives a more emotional feeling. Well, I really love traditional chinese instruments :> Thank you for this video ♡ 太棒了!你們做出了一版精彩的合成版,傳達了更多的感情。哎呀,我真的愛上了中國的傳統樂器,感謝你們的這個視頻。 Vera Shepherd thank you guys. it''''s so impressive it could be in such an aestetique c: 謝謝你們。真令人印象深刻,可以在某個悲愴的場景里演奏。 Mitch I do not care much care at all about Game of Thrones, but this, this is cool. 我一點也不在意權游,但是這個演奏,真的很酷。 Thrill96 How is this cover making me visualize an entire Asian alternate Universe of Game of thrones. Amazing work guys. Hen hao 這個翻唱版真的讓亞洲版的權游浮現在我的眼前。精彩的作品。 First Last Excellent! Please play more inspiring western music by Chinese musical instruments :) 精彩!請用中國的樂器演奏更多鼓舞人心的西方音樂。 Gonedridge I''''ve never heard the original theme, lest watched the show before, but I can tell that thisnis certainly a western, medi theme despite the use of oriental insturments. 我從來沒有聽說過最初的主題,以前也沒看過,但我可以肯定這是一個西方的,中世紀的主題,儘管它使用了東方的樂器。 トリリンガル Trilingirl Annie TV So proud of you guys ^^ 為你們自豪。 Jay Carter Thank you, gentlemen. Just what I needed when I needed it. 感謝你們,先生們。我正想這個東西呢,它就出現了。 Ellinon Enosis Man I got goosebumps all over me with that intro.....I felt like I was ready to go 101against the army of the dead.... 天吶,我看到那個簡介都起雞皮疙瘩了……我感覺自己即將面對亡者大軍…… Taisto Tammilehto "By chinese" this is pure gold 「中國人演奏」,真是太棒了。 suthobay Game of Three Kingdoms 三國の遊戲。 KC Dude this is actually awesome I wish I had people who''''d play with me like this but I always seem to end up solo 哥們,這真是太棒了,我希望有人能像這樣一樣跟我一起演奏,但最終總是獨奏。 ... PantherMadCat awesome! and now the extended version please! 太棒了!現在請做一個加長版! Young Sophy Good job. But I still prefer the original. Got is a bloody story 很好,但我還是喜歡原版的。權游是一個血腥的故事。 Benjamino Y』all need someone on a bass because this sounds f-OMG amazing! 你們還需要有人來彈個貝斯,這樣聽起來,我的天,太棒了! NIGEL』S MUSIC Wish I had some Asian friends. :-( 希望我有一些亞洲朋友。 fosgeno YOU ARE AMAZING! AN EXAMPLE ABOUT HOW THE MEN CAN BECOME AN INSTANT ETERNAL. SIMPLY BEAUTIFUL. 你們真了不起!這個例子證明了一個人可以成為永恆的瞬間。真是太美了。 Cesar Ryan Santos Game of Thrones opening theme, YiTish version. From the Empire of Yi Ti in the continent of Essos. Yi Ti版《權力的遊戲》開幕主題曲,來自埃索斯大陸Yi Ti帝國。 TrueNature I would love to try a Guqin, the kind is beautiful. 我想試試古琴,這種樂器太美了。 Yvonne Hsu This is so IRISH!!! 很有愛爾蘭風!!! Kanie Really amazing job! I have watched the video at least 20 times. I love the traditionel flutes. Does anyone know the names of the two flutes that he use? 這個作品真了不起!這個視頻我看了不下20遍。我喜歡傳統長笛。有人知道他演奏的兩種長笛分別叫什麼嗎? Haotian Cao If I were correct, as the descxtion suggested, both flutes are called ''''Xiao'''' (簫- xiāo), the first one looks like a 南簫(nán xiāo), literally meaning the Xiao used most in southern China (it looks much like a Shakuhachi, a traditional flute in Japan, however, Shakuhachi is still originated from ancient China); while the second one is called 洞簫(dòng xiāo), a vertical bamboo flute. 如果我沒說錯,正如見解所說,兩種長笛都叫做簫,第一種看起來像是南簫,意思是中國南方通常演奏的簫(看起來很像尺八,日本的一種傳統長笛,然而尺八依然源於古代中國);而第二種叫做洞簫,一種豎著吹奏的竹笛。 scorpion528 The best part of the song they didn''''t cover? WTF! 他們為什麼沒有演奏高潮部分?什麼鬼! Mirko Paracini I like Chinese style too, good example. 我也喜歡中國風,這個例子很好。 Chaozhou Hoa Wow... could be used by HBO!!!! 哇哦……HBO可以用!!! ... Si Yu @Kim Jin shakuhachi came from ancient China 尺八來自古代中國。 craziii3 I feel like the flute ruined it. You guys need to find a better replacement. It is still very good. 我感覺長笛毀了這首曲子。你們需要找一個更好的替代者。不過依然很好。 Jiatao Chen damn man, if this wasn''''t better than the original! 哇哦,這一版或許比原版更好! noen A repost? I thought it was an extended version But this one is great anyways~ 翻唱版?我還以為是擴展版。但無論如何這一版都很贊。 Bittar B FANTASTIC COVER I rly mean it 精彩的翻唱, 真的。
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